Evan taubenfeld
Born June 27th 1983 in Maryland, Evan David Taubenfeld is the eldest child of Ami & Mark. His affinity with music showed through at an early age, but it was not until he was 15 that he learned to play the guitar. He started by teaching himself, and later attended Berklee, a famous music college in Boston. However, guitar was not the first instrument he learned.
Very early, it was noticeable that Evan had a great interest in music. He got his first Sesame Street drum set before the age 4 – then later received a full kit thanks to his grandparents who bought it. Later on, he also studied guitar by learning to play "Come As You Are" by Nirvana. Although his passion for music was brewing, he still had to go to high school. He successfully graduated from Baltimore's elite McDonogh School and was awarded with 'Most Improved Student at Graduation'. However, he realized how much he loved music and wanted to be devoted to it. So he joined his first local band, The Suburbanites, in the seventh grade as their drummer. After 3 years, he founded Spinfire with his friend Matt Halpern and was the lead singer and guitarist. The band Spinfire has released one self-produced CD, and played a number of shows in Maryland. Unfortunately, the band broke up in fall of 2002.
He then intended to study at the Berklee College of Music, but just two weeks later his life changed thanks to a phone call from Josh Sarubin. Sarubin was the Vice President of Artists and Repertoire for Arista Records and had previously worked with Spinfire. Sarubin was looking for people to audition in NYC with a young Canadian singer named Avril Lavigne. Evan received a 5 songs demo CD of Avril and was told to learn it in only 3 days. At the NYC auditions, the lead guitarist had already been selected, so Evan auditioned for a position as the drummer and the bass guitarist. His auditions were not going very well, so he borrowed someone else’s guitar, and after playing few riffs, the management wanted to sign a contract with him as the lead guitarist and the backup singer. So he worked very hard with Avril Lavigne, learned all the songs, and well you all know how famous Avril Lavigne is now, selling millions of copies of her first album.
Being on tour with Avril Lavigne, performing songs on stage, huge venues, shooting music videos – all of these things made Evan the happiest person in the world. This was truly the experience of a lifetime. Although, he is still working on projects outside of Avril’s band as he would like to do his own thing eventually. In June 2003, he formed another band - a side project called Ditch Ruxton. This band was co-founded with his friends Matt Halpern and Mike Mc Aree. Their first show took place at a Baltimore in a night club called The Fletcher's, and the audience really enjoyed the performance. Though, his own band was only a side project at that time as he was really invested into Avril's band.
In May 2004, Avril Lavigne released her second album "Under My Skin". Her first single, "Don't Tell Me", was co-written by Evan himself. This album is a full of Evan's works. He co-wrote three songs (Freak Out, Don't Tell Me, Take Me Away) and was in studio with Avril to record backup vocals, and guitars. This is no doubt only the beginning of his own career...
Evan is completely devoted to music - the only thing he wants is to write and play music. He also said in an interview that he wants to run a music empire. Throughout the years, he has ventured in a mature musical direction, thanks to his experiences, and this development will continue in the future. His fans were there at the beginning, and will still be there at every step of Evan's musical career.
MVSZ BIOGRFIA (rdott 2004-ben a webbie ltal - c EVANWORLD.NET)
Szletett 1983 jnius 27, Maryland EVAN DAVID TAUBENFELD Amy s Mark legidsebb gyermeke. Vonzdst mutatott a zenhez mr a korai vek alatt amg nem 15 vesen gitrozni tanult. nmagtl tanult meg ksbb a Berklee eladsaira jrt, a hres zenei fiskolra Bostonba. Azonban a gitr nem az els hangszer volt amin megtanult jtszani.
Nagyon korn szrevehet volt, hogy Evannek nagy az rdekldse a zene irnt. Els Szezm utca dob szettjt 4 ves kora eltt kapta – azutn kapott egy teljes kszletett ksznheten a nagyapjnak, aki vette. Ezen s gitron is megtanulta eljtszani a „Come As You are” –t a Nirvanatl Habr szenvedlye a zene, sikeresen elvgezte a baltimore – i elit McDonogh gimnziumot s kitntetst kapott, mint a „Legfejlettebben Vgzet tanul”. Azonban rjtt mennyire szereti a zent s h akart lenni ehhez. gy csatlakozik az els helyi bandhoz, The Suburbanitis, 7.-kes korban, mint dobos. Hrom vvel ksbb megalaptotta a Spinfire – t, bartjval Matt Halpernnel, itt mr szl nekes s (ritmus) gitros volt. A Spinfire egyttes kihozott egy maguk ltal ksztett CD – t, s szmos koncertet adtak Marylandben. Sajnos a banda feloszlott 2002 szn.
Akkor a Berklee zenei fiskoln szndkozott tanulni, de kt httel ksbb az lete megvltozott. Ksznheten egy telefonhvsnak Josh Sarubintl. Sarubin volt a „Mvszek s Msorszm” alelnke az ARISTA kiadnak, korbban mr dolgozott a Spinfire – rel. Sarubin keresett embereket egy meghallgatsra New York vrosban a fiatal kanadai Avril Lavigne nev nekesnvel. Evan megkapta Avril 5 dalos demojt s 3 nap alatt megtanulta. A New York vrosi meghallgatson a szl gitrost mr kivlasztottk, gy Evant meghallgattk a dobos s basszus gitros pozcijra. A meghallgats nem ment valami jl. Klcsnkrte valaki ms gitrjt s ksbb eljtszott nhny riffet. Ekkor a menedzsment al akarta ratni vele a megegyezst, mint szl gitros s httr nekes.
gy nagyon kemnyen dolgozott Avrl Lavigne – nal s mindannyian tudjtok milyen hres most Avril, aki az els albumbl millikat adott el.
Avril Lavigne – nel turnzik, dalokat adott el hatalmas helyszneken s vide klipeket forgatott – ezek Evant a vilg legboldogabb emberv tettk. Ez igazn egy letre szl tapasztalat volt. Mg mindig dolgozott Avril bandjn kvl, mert a sajt dolgait is szerette volna csinlni. 2003 – ban megalaptotta msik bandjt, ezt Ditch Ruxtonnak hvtk. Els showjuk Baltimore – ban a „Flether’s” nev night klubban jtszdott, a hallgatsg igazn lvezte az eladst. Noha volt sajt projectje ebben az idben igazn Avril bandjnak volt szentelve.
2004 mjusban Avril Lavigne kihozta msodik albumt az „Under My Skint”.Az els kislemez a „Don1t Tell Me”, melynek trsszerzje Evan volt. Ezen az albumon 3 dalnak volt trsrja (Freak Out, Don’t Tell Me, Take Me Away) s a studiban volt Avrillel, mint az album segd gitrosa s nekese. Ez mg csak a karrierje kezdete.
Evan teljesen h a zenhez – csak zent akar rni s jtszani. Azt mondta egy interjban, hogy be akar futni a zenei birodalomban. Tapasztalatainak ksznheten ezzel a fejldssel folytatja a jvben. Rajongi mindig is voltak s lesznek Evan zenei karrierjnek lpseinl.
Fordtotta: J. J.
The above biography was composed by the webbie of Evanworld.net and should not be reproduced or posted elsewhere without permission & full credits.
02 SHORT BIOGRAPHY Full Name: Evan David Taubenfeld Eyes: green Height: 5'8''
Born: June 27th, 1983 Town: Baltimore - Maryland (USA)
Info: Before playing in Avril's band, Evan used to be called "Evan David" instead of "Taubenfeld". But since he joined Avril for a more professional career, he decided to take up his real last name, "Taubenfeld".
Quick note: he begun to play guitar at 15 years old, learning by himself how to play & then taking lessons while in Berklee (USA).
Family: 1 brother (Drew-born in 1985, 18 years old) and 1 sister (Annie-born in 1991, 12 years old) Parents: Ami & Mark.
Languages: American & German (know some words in French).
Bands: The Suburbanites (drummer); Spinfire (guitarist, singer, songwriter); Avril Lavigne band (guitarist, backup vocals, cowriter); Ditch Ruxton (guitarist, singer, songwriter).
History: Evan began music in a band called 'The Suburbanites' where he was the drummer. Then he was in 'Spinfire', an other band, he played guitar and sang (split off on February 2002). Then, he joined Avril Lavigne crew, for her 'Let Go' album, where he played guitar and sang with Avril (left the band in Sept 2004). In June 2003, Evan was also in a band called 'Ditch Ruxton' (guitarist, songwriter & singer), made by him & Matt Halpern (Spinfire drummer)-They splitted off in June 2004.
03 FACTS - Favourite colors: green, black and blue. - Most embarrasing Halloween costume: in girl (2002 with Avril). - First CD: Dookie greenday. - Favourite bands: Alice In Chains, Fuel, Matchbox 20, Nickelback, Vertical Horizon, Tantric, Days of the New, Stabbing Westward, The Beatles, Stone Temple Pilots, The Police and 311. - Favourite song from Avril Lavigne "Let Go" album: "Losing Grip". - First song he learned to play on guitar: "Come As You Are" from Nirvana, & one from Alice in chains. - Number of piercings: 3 on each lobe. - Favourite drink: smoothies.
Teljes nv: Evan David Taubenfeld
Szeme: zld
Magassg: 5’8 lb (kb.170-175 cm)
Szletett: 1983, jnius 27
Vros: Baltimore –Maryland (U. S. A.)
INFO: Mieltt Avril bandjban jtszott Evant Evan Davidnek hvtk, nem Taubenfeld-nek. De mikor csatlakozott Avrilhez s elkezddtt szakmai karrierje, gy dnttt felveszi valdi nevt a „Taubenfeld” –et.
15 vesen kezdett el gitrozni, magtl tanult meg majd rkat vett a Berklee –n (U. S. A.)
Csald: 1 ccse van (Drew –szletett 1985, 18 ves) s 1 hga van(Annie –szletett 1991, 12 ves)
Szlei: Amy s Mark –mg mindig egytt vannak s boldogok
Beszlt nyelvek: Amerikai angol, nmet (s nhny szt franciul)
BANDS: The Suburbanites (dobos); Spinfire (gitr, nek, dalszerz), Avril Lavigne bandja (szl gitr, httr nekes, trsszerz); Ditch Ruxton (gitr, nekes, dalszerz); The Black List Club (gitr, nekes, dalszerz)
TRTNET: Evan a The Suburbanitesben kezdett zenlni, mint dobos. Mikor a Spinfire –ben volt, msik csapat, gitrozott s nekelt (feloszlottak 2002 februrjban). Csatlakozott Avril Lavigne csapathoz Avril „Let Go” cm albumn gitrozik, nekel Avrillel (elhagyta a bandt 2004 szeptemberben). 2000 jniusban szintn tagja volta Ditch Ruxtonnak (gitr, nek dalszerz) s Matt Halpern alaptotta (Spinfire dobosa) 2004 jniusban feloszlottak.
.-kedvenc szn: zld, fekete s kk
-legknosabb Halloween jelmeze:lny (2002 Avrillel)
-els cdje:Dookie a Green Daytl
-kedvenc zenekarai: Alice In Chains, Fuel, Matchbox 20, Nickelback, Vertical Horizon, Tantric, Days Of The New, Stabbing Westward, The Beatles, Stone Temple Pilots, The POlice s a311
-kedvenc dal Avil „Let Go” albumrl: Losing Grip
-els dal,amit megtanult eljtszani gitron a „Come As You Are” a Nirvanatl s egy szm az Alice In Chains –tl
-percingek: 3 mindkt flben
-kedvenc ital: gymlcsturmix
-tetovls: mindkt csukljn egy
-legrltebb pletyka, amit hallott magrl: Azrt vltoztatta meg a nevt, mert nem szereti az apjt
-cip mret: 10 (kb. 40-42 magyarban)
-kedvenc sport: jghoki
-kedvenc tel: nincs
-kedvenc tel, mikor hazamegy: slt pulyka spenttal s szrtott paradicsommal
-kedvenc mozi: 12 majom
-kedvenc sorozat: 24
-kedvenc orszg: Ausztrlia, Szingapr, Anglia s Nmetorszg
-kedvenc dal a Avril „Under My Skin” albumrl: Freak Out
-kedvenc Spinfire dal: 100% you
-kedvenc sport: poker
-kedvenc vszak:sz
-kedvenc nnep: karcsony
-kedvenc knyv: The Operator, Hitman, The Dirt, Howling At The moon, a Davinchi kd (az utolst leszmtva a tbbinek nem tudom a magyar cmt, bocs)
-bszkn reklmozza a nevvel elltott PRS (Paul Reed Smith) gitrokat
-azt mondta, sosem ideges a koncertek eltt
-tud jtszani gitron s dobon, de gitron jobban
-azt mondta Mariah Carey –rl, hogy j hangja van
-jtszott basszusgitron, gitron s httr nekelt nhny helyi mvsznek az albumn a Wrightway studioban , mieltt csatlakozott Avril Lavigne –hoz
-azt mondta nem kap sok rajongi levelet, de ha kap, akkor mindegyikre vlaszol
-a valdi vezetk neve David
-nem tud grdeszkzni helyette Scooterezik (rollerezik)
-szvesen turnzna a Maroon 5 –val s a Coldplay –jel
-amerikai focizott, focizott, baseballozott s kosrlabdzott a gimnziumi eltt
-3 dal trs rja Avrilnek az „Under My Skin” cm albumon: Freak Out, Don’t Tell Me, Take Me Away
Fordtotta: J. J. |